Rock River Baseball League

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - 2012

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Note: A minimum of 12.4 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Medium helenville rebels
Evan Everett
1. Evan Everett .417
2. Brad Hebbe .154
3. Ben Wolff .071
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Medium helenville rebels
Andrew Lenti
1. Andrew Lenti 4
2. Ryan Hebbe 3
3. Jordan Schmitt 1
4. Tim Klein 1
5. Evan Everett 1
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
Medium helenville rebels
Andrew Lenti
1. Andrew Lenti 0
2. Ryan Hebbe 0
3. Brad Hebbe 0
4. Casey Palm 0
5. Ben Wolff 0
Plate Appearances PA
Medium helenville rebels
Andrew Lenti
1. Andrew Lenti 14
2. Evan Everett 14
3. Ben Wolff 14
4. Brad Hebbe 13
5. Ryan Hebbe 12
On-Base Percentage OBP
Medium helenville rebels
Evan Everett
1. Evan Everett .429
2. Andrew Lenti .286
3. Brad Hebbe .154
4. Ben Wolff .071
Slugging Percentage SLG
Medium helenville rebels
Evan Everett
1. Evan Everett .417
2. Brad Hebbe .308
3. Ben Wolff .071
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Medium helenville rebels
Evan Everett
1. Evan Everett .845
2. Brad Hebbe .462
3. Andrew Lenti .286
4. Ben Wolff .143
Note: A minimum of 4 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
Medium helenville rebels
Luke Seifert
1. Luke Seifert 7.45
2. Andrew Lenti 9.82
3. Brad Hebbe 17.42
Innings Pitched IP
Medium helenville rebels
Andrew Lenti
1. Andrew Lenti 11.0
2. Brad Hebbe 10.1
3. Luke Seifert 9.2
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Medium helenville rebels
Brad Hebbe
1. Brad Hebbe 21
2. Luke Seifert 12
3. Andrew Lenti 8
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Medium helenville rebels
Andrew Lenti
1. Andrew Lenti 1.91
2. Luke Seifert 3.00
3. Brad Hebbe 3.39
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
Medium helenville rebels
Andrew Lenti
1. Andrew Lenti 10.64
2. Brad Hebbe 12.19
3. Luke Seifert 15.83
Bases on Balls per 9 Innings Pitched BB/9
Medium helenville rebels
Andrew Lenti
1. Andrew Lenti 6.55
2. Luke Seifert 11.17
3. Brad Hebbe 18.29
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
Medium helenville rebels
Luke Seifert
1. Luke Seifert 8.38
2. Andrew Lenti 8.18
3. Brad Hebbe 6.97
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
Medium helenville rebels
Andrew Lenti
1. Andrew Lenti 1.25
2. Luke Seifert 0.75
3. Brad Hebbe 0.38
Note: A minimum of 1 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.