Rock River Baseball League

Playoffs Stats (Leaders) - 2014

All | Regular Season | Playoffs
All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 9.3 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Medium madison l.t
Nate Johnson
1. Nate Johnson .600
2. David Luciani .357
3. Tim Moon .273
4. Jon Niebuhr .273
5. Pete Strommen .273
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Medium madison l.t
Jon Niebuhr
1. Jon Niebuhr 3
2. Alan Myrold 3
3. Tim Moon 1
4. Josh Schafer 1
5. David Luciani 1
On-Base Percentage OBP
Medium madison l.t
Nate Johnson
1. Nate Johnson .636
2. Jon Niebuhr .429
3. David Luciani .400
4. Alan Myrold .385
5. Tim Moon .333
Slugging Percentage SLG
Medium madison l.t
Nate Johnson
1. Nate Johnson 1.000
2. Pete Strommen .364
3. David Luciani .357
4. Paul Patten .333
5. Tim Moon .273
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Medium madison l.t
Nate Johnson
1. Nate Johnson 1.636
2. David Luciani .757
3. Jon Niebuhr .701
4. Pete Strommen .697
5. Paul Patten .633
Note: A minimum of 1 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
Medium madison l.t
Casey Powell
1. Casey Powell 3.00
2. Matt Krueger 3.38
3. Jared Staudenmayer 6.43
4. Jesse Christianson 9.00
5. Jon Niebuhr 9.00
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Medium madison l.t
Casey Powell
1. Casey Powell 1.00
2. Matt Krueger 1.12
3. Jesse Christianson 1.50
4. Jared Staudenmayer 1.86
5. Jon Niebuhr 3.00
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
Medium madison l.t
Jesse Christianson
1. Jesse Christianson 4.50
2. Casey Powell 4.50
3. Matt Krueger 7.88
4. Jared Staudenmayer 14.14
5. Jon Niebuhr 27.00
Bases on Balls per 9 Innings Pitched BB/9
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
Medium madison l.t
Dan Hoppel
1. Dan Hoppel 18.00
2. Jared Staudenmayer 7.71
3. Matt Krueger 6.75
4. Casey Powell 3.00
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
Medium madison l.t
Jared Staudenmayer
1. Jared Staudenmayer 3.00
2. Matt Krueger 3.00
3. Casey Powell 0.67
Note: A minimum of 1 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.